Research on bovine colostrum


Biodane Pharma A/S aims to develop and manufacture high quality nutritional and health supplements that make a difference for people worldwide. We wish to contribute to the progress in the field of human gastrointestinal health, as the wellbeing of the gastrointestinal tract has proven to be of utterly importance for the general well-being as well as for the prevention serious diseases, e.g. cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.


We want to combine research, technology and expertise to develop products that may help prevent diseases, decrease their side effects or postphone the need for medics. To achieve this, we use frontier technology in collaboration with internationally recognized universities, hospitals and commercial partners.


Our experience with bovine colostrum as diet supplement for neonates and preterms goes back many years beginning with our sister company Biofiber-Damino A/S with research on and development of a bovine colostrum feed supplements for calves and piglets. Today, we have been industrial partner in several international projects studying bovine colostrum as diet supplement for vulnerable patient groups.


Currently, we are providing bovine colostrum for clinical trials testing bovine colostrum as diet supplement and fortifier for mother’s own milk and donor human milk for preterm infants during their first weeks of life. You can read more about the NEOCOL and NEOMUNE projects here.


On these research pages, we present the full overview of Biodane Pharma’s research activities on bovine colostrum. Here you will find:


•    Our research history in chronological order

•    Detailed descriptions of the research projects we currently are and have been involved in as industrial partner providing colostrum for the clinical trials

•    All the published scientific papers from research studies using bovine colostrum provided by us